The recycling industry is growing at global level and is already well established in Frederikshavn.

Some of the large recycling operators in Denmark have operations at the Port of Frederikshavn. All types of land-based recycling products and the scrapping of small ships and fishing vessels are handled here. Modern American Recycling Services has rented 280,000 m2 of the new port expansion area for the establishment of a top modern recycling shipyard in Frederikshavn. The company is expecting to recycle 200,000 tons of steel a year with ambitions of making Frederikshavn the centre of green recycling of Panamax ships and large oil installations.

Increasingly stricter requirements for environmental safety are being imposed on the recycling of ships and offshore installations, and in this connection, the Port of Frederikshavn is willing to help the recycling industry meet these requirements. This will give the port’s business competitive advantages at the same time as we lead the way to a more responsible recycling industry at world level.

The Port of Frederikshavn aims to become Northern Europe’s leading centre for maritime environmental and recycling operations. The ongoing expansion of the port will make it possible to accommodate even bigger ships and offshore installations for scrapping, which will enlarge this business area significantly concurrent with the expansion of the port.



In the environmental area, some of the port’s businesses are world leaders when it comes to improving the energy efficiency of ships, but we are also pioneers in the fields of renewable energy, including wave power, offshore wind turbines and biofuels. 

The Port of Frederikshavn is a green port, which complements our owner’s goal and strategy in terms of energy. Frederikshavn Municipality has launched Energibyen Frederikshavn (Frederikshavn – the Energy Town), a business development project aimed at converting the municipality’s supply of energy to 100% renewable energy. Energy Town is tasked with initiating, facilitating and coordinating projects, which help to generate green growth and create new jobs in the local energy sector.

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